Story: Middle Part 21
[[Continuity Note: Alf just encountered Rock who was attempting to leave the school.]]
"Rock!" Alf called again, just as he caught up to the larger teen.
"I am not speaking to you, Sprout," Rock stated, adding the nickname in reluctantly as though he was worried that it sounded more affectionate than it really should have.
"Oh come on," Alf pleaded. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"We haven't got anything to talk about," Rock protested, waving his hands a little more violently than was necessary.
Alf shrugged. He was getting used to Rock. "That doesn't mean we couldn't still find something to talk about."
Rock looked at Alf, finally stopping in his travels (not that he had a destination in mind anyway) as though daring him to find something that they had in common.
"Uh, did you watch the Bears game on Saturday?" Alf asked, figuring that Rock, as a guy would find something in common with him through sports.
Rock just looked at him as though he was an idiot. Apparently the question didn't even deserve a reply, as Rock walked off again. This time, Alf didn't bother to chase after him.
Maybe Rock was right. If he didn't feel sorry for him, and more than a little intrigued, Alf would never bother to even try to befriend Rock. He himself would have thought that they didn't have anything in common. So why was he trying? Maybe he really had gone so far as to adopt Jessica's, and consequently Rock's, family. Alf made a mental note to get to know his family better instead.
[[End scene.]]
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