11 November 2006

Story: Beginning Part 1

[[Continuity Note: Yes, you read that correctly, I'm going to attempt to write the first bit of this story in which I introduce the protagonist and all that.]]

He liked to listen to loud angry rock music on the quietest setting his headphones would allow. He liked watching sports on television, but he hated playing them even if he wasn't truly awful. He liked eating taco shells by themselves.

He was Alfonso Struthers. Better known as Alf. Though, depending on who you were, you might have known him better as Alfalfa, or Sprout. But you would have still known as Alfonso Struthers.

Other things he liked included: his best friend Damien Reid, his parents, Alyssa Marx (though he'd never admit it) and bouncing small rubber balls off his ceiling.

So some of the things he liked were a little strange. Some of the things he liked were pretty normal. Alf always thought of himself as pretty mediocre, pretty average, pretty normal. Nothing about his appearance particularly stood out. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He stood in the middle of the middle row in school pictures.

But Alf liked being ordinary. He didn't want to be particularly acknowledged. It was nice to recognised sometimes. But he didn't want to be known as the smartest kid in school, and he didn't want to be known as the most athletic, or the most musical. He was happy being himself. After all, it meant that he could easily find himself when the school photos came back.

Unfortunately, despite what Alf liked, he was suddenly going to find himself being extraordinary... and acknowledged for his efforts, to boot.

[[Neh, it's not so great, but who really cares? It's words!]]